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Change log entry 83152
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-21 02:19:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76673 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
- What is a "graphic variant" in CC-CEDICT? This is the only entry with that phrase.
- Seems like trad/simp are both 鞌, according to physical and online dictionaries


> Is "graphic variant" something we are actually interested in tracking?
No, that idea was introduced in this single entry prior to 2007, and it didn't catch on. Nobody was interested in applying it in other cases.
- 鞌 鞍 [an1] /graphic variant of 鞍[an1]/
# + 鞌 鞌 [[an1]] /variant of 鞍[an1]/
+ 鞌 鞍 [[an1]] /variant of 鞍[an1]/
+ 鞌 鞌 [[An1]] /An, a place in the area of present-day Jinan, Shandong where in 589 BC there was a battle between the states of Qi 齊國|齐国[Qi2guo2] and Jin 晉國|晋国[Jin4guo2]/
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