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Change log entry 83150
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-20 22:49:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76552 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

挛 refers to the cramping of the muscle (I think the current definition is off and needs an update) while 缩 refers to shrinking. So literally "cramping and shrinking"

Not only is determining the cause of death harder, even the autopsy is harder to perform. Because of the lack of water in the burnt corpse, the muscles have undergone contracture and the corpse will become hard.

# + 攣縮 挛缩 [[luan2suo1]] /contracture/
- 攣 挛 [luan2] /twisted/bent/crooked/cramped/
+ 攣 挛 [[luan2]] /(bound form) (of muscles) to cramp; to spasm/
+ 攣縮 挛缩 [[luan2suo1]] /(medicine) (verb and noun) contracture/
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