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Change log entry 83148
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-20 21:53:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76664 - submitted by 'encn' >>
what does gum in the eyes mean?
ChatGPT: The phrase "gum in the eyes" is not a common English expression. However, if you meant something else, please provide additional context, and I'll be happy to assist! 😊

Editor: I'm just going to add my own comment here.

I am very familiar with the word "gum" as something that accumulates in one's eyes. I don't need to look it up in a dictionary or ask ChatGPT.

But I did look it up anyway.

Webster's Third International Dictionary
"thickened secretion (as at the corner of the eyes)"

Oxford English Dictionary
"The sticky secretion that collects in the inner corner of the eye."

The OED traces its usage back to 1616, and I learned the word as a child in Australia.

So it's not an incorrect definition, although it may not be used so commonly as in the past in some parts of the world.

Our definition of 眼屎 (gum in the eyes) was copied from ABC, which no doubt copied it from some other dictionary.

ABC's definition of 眵目糊 is "(topolect) gum from the eyes" and the "ref." given in their entry is "106dave", which suggests that there may have been someone called Dave who was familiar with the term "gum".
# - 眵目糊 眵目糊 [chi1 mu5 hu1] /(dialect) gum (in one's eyes)/
# + 眵目糊 眵目糊 [[chi1mu5hu1]] /(dialect) eye boogers; sleep/
# - 眼屎 眼屎 [yan3 shi3] /gum in the eyes/
# + 眼屎 眼屎 [[yan3shi3]] /eye boogers; sleep/
By MDBG 2024
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