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Change log entry 83146
Processed by: kbaiko (2024-04-20 14:13:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76664 - submitted by 'encn' >>
what does gum in the eyes mean?
ChatGPT: The phrase "gum in the eyes" is not a common English expression. However, if you meant something else, please provide additional context, and I'll be happy to assist! 😊

Editor: Thanks, but we have a similar entry on our queue already (I actually submitted it on 2023-12-14) so I'm going to comment your submission out.

>what does gum in the eyes mean?
That was a bad translation from the early days and as far as I know it's not a real term. The proper word is "rheum".
# 眵目糊 眵目糊 [chi1 mu5 hu1] /(dialect) gum (in one's eyes)/
# 眵目糊 眵目糊 [[chi1mu5hu1]] /(dialect) eye boogers; sleep/
# 眼屎 眼屎 [yan3 shi3] /gum in the eyes/
# 眼屎 眼屎 [[yan3shi3]] /eye boogers; sleep/
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