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Change log entry 82967
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-12 07:43:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71565 >>

❶ 动 行礼表示敬意:回~|叩~|对着遗像~了三拜。
❷ 见面行礼表示祝贺:~年|~寿。
❸ 动 拜访:新搬来的那对夫妇~街坊来了。
❹ 用一定的礼节授予某种名位或官职:~相|~将。
❺ 动 结成某种关系:~师|~把子。
❻ 敬辞,用于人事往来:~托|~领(收下赠品)|~读。

- 拜 拜 [bai4] /to pay respect/worship/visit/salute/
# + 拜 拜 [bai4] /to do obeisance; to bow/to pray to; to worship/to pay a visit/to establish a relationship/
+ 拜 拜 [[bai4]] //to bow to; to pay one's respects/(bound form) to extend greetings (on a specific occasion)/to make a courtesy call/(bound form) (of a monarch) to appoint sb to (a position) by performing a ceremony/to acknowledge sb as one's (master, godfather etc)/(used before some verbs to indicate politeness)/
By MDBG 2024
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