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Change log entry 82961
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-11 23:33:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74506 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
膀 and 胱 are only used in 膀胱

Following up on https://cc-cedict.org/editor/editor.php?log_id=79620&return=ListChanges&handler=ViewLogEntry... are these submissions ok? It sounds like you have a list of characters whose definitions should be updated from "see X" to "used in X", but that wouldn't include entries like these which lack "see" in the first place.

If this is a duplicate let me know and I won't submit these. Or if I could just see the list I'll make sure to not submit a duplicate.

Editor: I have mostly abandoned work on that list, and I haven't been maintaining it well (keeping track of which words have been fixed and which haven't). I could send you the list if you like. Email me if you want it.

So I retract the comment I made back in September ("don't send any more 'see ➝ used in' proposals"), which I made at a time when the reviewing queue had gotten way too long. You're now welcome to submit any single-character entries that need to be changed to "used in ..."
- 膀 膀 [pang2] /bladder/
+ 膀 膀 [pang2] /used in 膀胱[pang2 guang1]/
- 胱 胱 [guang1] /bladder/
+ 胱 胱 [guang1] /used in 膀胱[pang2 guang1]/
# 膀胱 膀胱 [pang2 guang1] /(urinary) bladder/
By MDBG 2024
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