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Change log entry 82891
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-10 05:18:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76440 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 上揚 上扬 [shang4 yang2] /(of prices etc) to rise/
+ 上揚 上扬 [[shang4yang2]] /(of prices etc) to rise/
- 伶俐 伶俐 [ling2 li4] /clever; witty; intelligent/
+ 伶俐 伶俐 [[ling2li4]] /clever; witty; intelligent/
- 公益 公益 [gong1 yi4] /public good; public welfare; public interest/
+ 公益 公益 [[gong1yi4]] /public good; public welfare; public interest/
- 創始 创始 [chuang4 shi3] /to initiate; to found/
+ 創始 创始 [[chuang4shi3]] /to initiate; to found/
- 好比 好比 [hao3 bi3] /to be just like; can be compared to/
+ 好比 好比 [[hao3bi3]] /to be just like; can be compared to/
- 寤寐 寤寐 [wu4 mei4] /(literary) awake or asleep; (fig.) all the time; constantly/
+ 寤寐 寤寐 [[wu4mei4]] /(literary) awake or asleep; (fig.) all the time; constantly/
- 快樂 快乐 [kuai4 le4] /happy; joyful/
+ 快樂 快乐 [[kuai4le4]] /happy; joyful/
- 旅客 旅客 [lu:3 ke4] /traveler; tourist/
+ 旅客 旅客 [[lu:3ke4]] /traveler; tourist/
- 最終 最终 [zui4 zhong1] /final; ultimate/
+ 最終 最终 [[zui4zhong1]] /final; ultimate/
- 環襯 环衬 [huan2 chen4] /endpaper/
+ 環襯 环衬 [[huan2chen4]] /endpaper/
- 疾病 疾病 [ji2 bing4] /disease; sickness; ailment/
+ 疾病 疾病 [[ji2bing4]] /disease; sickness; ailment/
- 細分 细分 [xi4 fen1] /to divide (into subgroups etc); to break down (into subcategories, subprocesses etc)/
+ 細分 细分 [[xi4fen1]] /to divide (into subgroups etc); to break down (into subcategories, subprocesses etc)/
- 老鄉 老乡 [lao3 xiang1] /fellow townsman; fellow villager; sb from the same hometown/
+ 老鄉 老乡 [[lao3xiang1]] /fellow townsman; fellow villager; sb from the same hometown/
- 蝙蝠 蝙蝠 [bian1 fu2] /(zoology) bat/
+ 蝙蝠 蝙蝠 [[bian1fu2]] /(zoology) bat/
- 行好 行好 [xing2 hao3] /to be charitable; to do a good deed/
+ 行好 行好 [[xing2hao3]] /to be charitable; to do a good deed/
- 觀眾 观众 [guan1 zhong4] /spectators; audience; visitors (to an exhibition etc)/
+ 觀眾 观众 [[guan1zhong4]] /spectators; audience; visitors (to an exhibition etc)/
- 象話 象话 [xiang4 hua4] /variant of 像話|像话[xiang4 hua4]/
+ 象話 象话 [[xiang4hua4]] /variant of 像話|像话[xiang4hua4]/
- 像話 像话 [xiang4 hua4] /proper/
+ 像話 像话 [[xiang4hua4]] /proper; appropriate (mostly used in the negative or in a rhetorical question)/
- 輕輕 轻轻 [qing1 qing1] /lightly; softly/
+ 輕輕 轻轻 [[qing1qing1]] /lightly; softly/
- 遠嫁 远嫁 [yuan3 jia4] /to marry a man who lives in a distant place/
+ 遠嫁 远嫁 [[yuan3jia4]] /to marry a man who lives in a distant place/
- 鐮刀 镰刀 [lian2 dao1] /sickle/
+ 鐮刀 镰刀 [[lian2dao1]] /sickle/
- 天河 天河 [Tian1 he2] /Milky Way/Tianhe District of Guangzhou City 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 Shi4], Guangdong/
+ 天河 天河 [[Tian1he2]] /Milky Way/Tianhe District of Guangzhou City 廣州市|广州市[Guang3zhou1 Shi4], Guangdong/
- 情節 情节 [qing2 jie2] /circumstances/plot; storyline/
+ 情節 情节 [[qing2jie2]] /circumstances/plot; storyline/
- 畫報 画报 [hua4 bao4] /illustrated magazine/CL:本[ben3],份[fen4],冊|册[ce4],期[qi1]/
+ 畫報 画报 [[hua4bao4]] /illustrated magazine/CL:本[ben3],份[fen4],冊|册[ce4],期[qi1]/
- 終結 终结 [zhong1 jie2] /end; conclusion/to come to an end; to terminate (sth)/
+ 終結 终结 [[zhong1jie2]] /end; conclusion/to come to an end; to terminate (sth)/
- 手段 手段 [shou3 duan4] /method; way; means (of doing sth)/skill; ability/trick; wile/
+ 手段 手段 [[shou3duan4]] /method; way; means (of doing sth)/skill; ability/trick; wile/
- 教訓 教训 [jiao4 xun5] /to provide guidance; to lecture sb; to upbraid/a talking-to; a bitter lesson/CL:番[fan1],頓|顿[dun4]/
+ 教訓 教训 [[jiao4xun5]] /to provide guidance; to lecture sb; to upbraid/a talking-to; a bitter lesson/CL:番[fan1],頓|顿[dun4]/
- 雲梯 云梯 [yun2 ti1] /(military) ladder used for scaling the walls of a fortified place (i.e. for escalading) in ancient times/firefighters' extension ladder/stone steps on a mountain/
+ 雲梯 云梯 [[yun2ti1]] /(military) ladder used for scaling the walls of a fortified place (i.e. for escalading) in ancient times/firefighters' extension ladder/stone steps on a mountain/
- 守業 守业 [shou3 ye4] /to preserve one's heritage/to defend the accomplishments of previous generations/to carry on the good work/to keep one's business going/
+ 守業 守业 [[shou3ye4]] /to preserve one's heritage/to defend the accomplishments of previous generations/to carry on the good work/to keep one's business going/
- 招呼 招呼 [zhao1 hu5] /to call out to/to greet/to say hello to/to inform/to take care of/to take care that one does not/
+ 招呼 招呼 [[zhao1hu5]] /to call out to/to greet/to say hello to/to inform/to take care of/to take care that one does not/
By MDBG 2024
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