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Change log entry 82800
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-08 00:02:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76379 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

Editor: I think "shrine" may be a better word for it. Certainly, in the examples in parallel texts I found, it was consistently translated as "shrine".

Looking toward the future, Lin Heng-chih says that once he gets a sizable chunk of money for renovations, he wants to repair Kakita-an, Tabalong's ancestral shrine. Located at the center of the village, this building was originally where the chief lived, and it was also the lodge where the young adults of the village would gather.

In 1958, when Typhoon Grace ripped through here, the shrine was blown down, and the original structure was taken north and reconstructed for a cultural artifacts exhibition by researchers from the Academia Sinica. At the original site, all that remains is tall grass and a tablet marking where bones have been buried.

Rebuilding the shrine would symbolize that the ancestral spirits were being honored by the village. It's a big project that many are eagerly awaiting.
# + 祖祠 祖祠 [[zu3ci2]] /temple dedicated to one's ancestors/
+ 祖祠 祖祠 [[zu3ci2]] /shrine dedicated to one's ancestors/
By MDBG 2024
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