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Change log entry 82771
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-05 22:11:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76207 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
767 hits

> 孔峰怒笑道:“死到临头还要负隅顽抗,以为罩着一层乌龟壳本盟主便拿你没有办法了?给我破了它!”

Editor: I think "strategic position" suggests that they want to hold that position, whereas with 负隅顽抗, they may simply want to escape, as seems to be the case in your 2nd last example, or these:


# + 負隅頑抗 负隅顽抗 [[fu4yu2-wan2kang4]] /(idiom) to make a last-ditch stand in a strategic position/
+ 負隅頑抗 负隅顽抗 [[fu4yu2-wan2kang4]] /(idiom) to put up fierce resistance despite being surrounded; to stubbornly refuse to admit defeat/
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