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Change log entry 82717
Processed by: richwarm (2024-04-04 01:16:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76312 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Words on TBCL wordlist. 診 (as opposed to 看病) emphasizes outpatient nature of the visit.

診時間: Outpatient Hours

Editor: I don't think the phrase "see a doctor" needs to be qualified.
It's the other one ("see a patient") where it could be either an inpatient or an outpatient.

看诊 isn't necessarily done at a clinic:
- “上门看诊”顾名思义,就是请医生带上所需的药品和医疗器械,来到病患家中,为病人看诊。
- 醫護人員主動走入村落幫人看病,病人即便在樹下看診,也能得到跟醫院診間一樣的醫療照護。
# 看診 看诊 [[kan4zhen3]] /to see a doctor (in a clinic, on an outpatient basis)/to see a patient (of a doctor)/
+ 看診 看诊 [[kan4zhen3]] /(of a doctor) to see a patient; to give a consultation/(of a patient) to see a doctor/
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