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Change log entry 82442
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-15 20:48:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76086 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 先期錄音 先期录音 [xian1 qi1 lu4 yin1] /(filmmaking) to prerecord a musical soundtrack to which actors will later synchronize their performance during filming/
+ 先期錄音 先期录音 [[xian1qi1 lu4yin1]] /(filmmaking) to prerecord a musical soundtrack to which actors will later synchronize their performance during filming/
- 勾 勾 [gou4] /used in 勾當|勾当[gou4 dang4]/
+ 勾 勾 [[gou4]] /used in 勾當|勾当[gou4dang4]/
- 叉腰 叉腰 [cha1 yao1] /to put one's hands on one's hips/
+ 叉腰 叉腰 [[cha1yao1]] /to put one's hands on one's hips/
- 奶奶灰 奶奶灰 [nai3 nai5 hui1] /granny gray (hair color)/
+ 奶奶灰 奶奶灰 [[nai3nai5hui1]] /granny gray (hair color)/
- 抓飯 抓饭 [zhua1 fan4] /pilaf (rice dish popular in many parts of the world, including Xinjiang)/
+ 抓飯 抓饭 [[zhua1fan4]] /pilaf (rice dish popular in many parts of the world, including Xinjiang)/
- 撩開 撩开 [liao1 kai5] /to push aside (clothing, curtain etc) to reveal something; to toss aside/
+ 撩開 撩开 [[liao1kai5]] /to push aside (clothing, curtain etc) to reveal something; to toss aside/
- 斂步 敛步 [lian3 bu4] /(literary) to slow down one's steps; to come to a halt/
+ 斂步 敛步 [[lian3bu4]] /(literary) to slow down one's steps; to come to a halt/
- 民宿 民宿 [min2 su4] /(orthographic borrowing from Japanese 民宿 "minshuku") property rented via Airbnb or similar platform; guesthouse; bed-and-breakfast; homestay; pension/
+ 民宿 民宿 [[min2su4]] /(orthographic borrowing from Japanese 民宿 "minshuku") property rented via Airbnb or similar platform; guesthouse; bed-and-breakfast; homestay; pension/
- 直角三角形 直角三角形 [zhi2 jiao3 san1 jiao3 xing2] /right-angled triangle/
+ 直角三角形 直角三角形 [[zhi2jiao3 san1jiao3xing2]] /right-angled triangle/
- 籌出 筹出 [chou2 chu1] /to plan out; to prepare/
+ 籌出 筹出 [[chou2chu1]] /to plan out; to prepare/
- 置身事外 置身事外 [zhi4 shen1 shi4 wai4] /not to get involved; to stay out of it/
+ 置身事外 置身事外 [[zhi4shen1-shi4wai4]] /not to get involved; to stay out of it/
- 蚯蚓 蚯蚓 [qiu1 yin3] /(zoology) earthworm/
+ 蚯蚓 蚯蚓 [[qiu1yin3]] /(zoology) earthworm/
- 蛋餅 蛋饼 [dan4 bing3] /egg pancake (thin pancake rolled up with omelet inside, popular in Taiwan as a breakfast dish)/
+ 蛋餅 蛋饼 [[dan4bing3]] /egg pancake (thin pancake rolled up with omelet inside, popular in Taiwan as a breakfast dish)/
- 觀看 观看 [guan1 kan4] /to watch; to view/
+ 觀看 观看 [[guan1kan4]] /to watch; to view/
- 蹤 踪 [zong1] /(bound form) footprint; trace; tracks/
+ 蹤 踪 [[zong1]] /(bound form) footprint; trace; tracks/
- 透信 透信 [tou4 xin4] /to disclose information; to tip off/
+ 透信 透信 [[tou4xin4]] /to disclose information; to tip off/
- 商店 商店 [shang1 dian4] /store; shop/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]/
+ 商店 商店 [[shang1dian4]] /store; shop/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]/
- 喲 哟 [yo1] /Oh! (interjection indicating slight surprise)/also pr. [yao1]/
+ 喲 哟 [[yo1]] /Oh! (interjection indicating slight surprise)/also pr. [yao1]/
- 灼 灼 [zhuo2] /to burn; to sear; to scorch/(bound form) bright; luminous/
+ 灼 灼 [[zhuo2]] /to burn; to sear; to scorch/(bound form) bright; luminous/
- 牛油 牛油 [niu2 you2] /butter/beef tallow/
+ 牛油 牛油 [[niu2you2]] /butter/beef tallow/
- 獻禮 献礼 [xian4 li3] /to offer sth in tribute (often on a special occasion); to dedicate/an offering; a tribute/
+ 獻禮 献礼 [[xian4li3]] /to offer sth in tribute (often on a special occasion); to dedicate/an offering; a tribute/
- 甕中捉鱉 瓮中捉鳖 [weng4 zhong1 zhuo1 bie1] /lit. to catch a turtle in a jar (idiom)/fig. to catch sth that has no way to escape/
+ 甕中捉鱉 瓮中捉鳖 [[weng4zhong1-zhuo1bie1]] /lit. to catch a turtle in a jar (idiom)/fig. to go after easy prey/
- 身正不怕影子斜 身正不怕影子斜 [shen1 zheng4 bu4 pa4 ying3 zi5 xie2] /lit. when a man stands straight, he doesn't worry that his shadow is slanting (idiom)/fig. as long as one conducts oneself honorably, one need not worry about what people think; a clean hand wants no washing/
+ 身正不怕影子斜 身正不怕影子斜 [[shen1 zheng4 bu4 pa4 ying3zi5 xie2]] /lit. when a man stands straight, he doesn't worry that his shadow is slanting (idiom)/fig. as long as one conducts oneself honorably, one need not worry about what people think; a clean hand wants no washing/
- 蒔 莳 [shi4] /(literary) to grow/(literary) to transplant/Taiwan pr. [shi2]/
+ 蒔 莳 [[shi4]] /(literary) to grow/(literary) to transplant/Taiwan pr. [shi2]/
By MDBG 2024
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