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Change log entry 82421
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-14 23:12:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 76063 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
almond in 杏仁 and a few compounds, but 杏 itself is just apricot

Wikipedia has some more color on the usage 杏/杏仁/杏仁果 vs 扁桃 (unambiguous term for almond):

> "[It's] almond in 杏仁 and a few compounds"
That could be regarded as an argument for adding the label "(bound form)" in front of "almond" rather than an argument for deleting "almond".

> "杏 itself is just apricot"
The Wikipedia article says
i.e., the almond is the seed kernel of another type of 杏 ("另一種「杏」"), which implies that the almond tree is a type of 杏.

* * *

In the entry for 杏 in 汉语大词典,sense #1 is indeed apricot, but sense #4 is
杏仁。参见“ 杏酪 ”、“ 杏粥 ”。

In the Outlier character etymology dictionary, the original meaning of 杏 is given as "1. fruit tree", and senses that developed later are "2. apricot" and "3. almond".

* * *

扁桃 isn't unambiguous. It has at least three distinct senses on its disambiguation page in Wikipedia:
(But I guess you meant that "apricot" is not one of its meanings?)
- 杏 杏 [xing4] /apricot/almond/
# + 杏 杏 [xing4] /apricot/
+ 杏 杏 [[xing4]] /apricot/(bound form) almond/
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