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Change log entry 82339
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-09 04:42:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75989 - submitted by 'encn' >>
pinyin zhong1du2 should be zhong4du2

and these entries aren't worth keeping.
- 單端孢霉烯類毒素中毒症 单端孢霉烯类毒素中毒症 [dan1 duan1 bao1 mei2 xi1 lei4 du2 su4 zhong1 du2 zheng4] /trichothecenes toxicosis/
# 單端孢霉烯類毒素中毒症 单端孢霉烯类毒素中毒症 [dan1 duan1 bao1 mei2 xi1 lei4 du2 su4 zhong1 du2 zheng4] /trichothecenes toxicosis/
- 二氯乙烷中毒 二氯乙烷中毒 [er4 lu:4 yi3 wan2 zhong1 du2] /dichloroethane poisoning/
# 二氯乙烷中毒 二氯乙烷中毒 [er4 lu:4 yi3 wan2 zhong1 du2] /dichloroethane poisoning/
- 急性氰化物中毒 急性氰化物中毒 [ji2 xing4 qing2 hua4 wu4 zhong1 du2] /acute cyanide poisoning/
# 急性氰化物中毒 急性氰化物中毒 [ji2 xing4 qing2 hua4 wu4 zhong1 du2] /acute cyanide poisoning/
- 甲醇中毒 甲醇中毒 [jia3 chun2 zhong1 du2] /methyl alcohol poisoning/
# 甲醇中毒 甲醇中毒 [jia3 chun2 zhong1 du2] /methyl alcohol poisoning/
- 全身中毒性毒劑 全身中毒性毒剂 [quan2 shen1 zhong1 du2 xing4 du2 ji4] /systemic agent/systemic gas/systemic poison/
# 全身中毒性毒劑 全身中毒性毒剂 [quan2 shen1 zhong1 du2 xing4 du2 ji4] /systemic agent/systemic gas/systemic poison/
- 四乙基鉛中毒 四乙基铅中毒 [si4 yi3 ji1 qian1 zhong1 du2] /tetraethyl lead poisoning/
# 四乙基鉛中毒 四乙基铅中毒 [si4 yi3 ji1 qian1 zhong1 du2] /tetraethyl lead poisoning/
- 中毒酶 中毒酶 [zhong1 du2 mei2] /inhibited enzyme/
# 中毒酶 中毒酶 [zhong1 du2 mei2] /inhibited enzyme/
- 中毒途徑 中毒途径 [zhong1 du2 tu2 jing4] /poisoning route/
# 中毒途徑 中毒途径 [zhong1 du2 tu2 jing4] /poisoning route/
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