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Change log entry 82325
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-08 08:44:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75966 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 上前 上前 [shang4 qian2] /to advance; to step forward/
+ 上前 上前 [[shang4qian2]] /to advance; to step forward/
- 下確界 下确界 [xia4 que4 jie4] /(math.) infimum; greatest lower bound/
+ 下確界 下确界 [[xia4que4jie4]] /(math.) infimum; greatest lower bound/
- 不吝珠玉 不吝珠玉 [bu4 lin4 zhu1 yu4] /(idiom) (courteous) please give me your frank opinion; your criticism will be most valuable/
+ 不吝珠玉 不吝珠玉 [[bu4lin4 zhu1yu4]] /(idiom) (courteous) please give me your frank opinion; your criticism will be most valuable/
- 丟失 丢失 [diu1 shi1] /to lose; to misplace/
+ 丟失 丢失 [[diu1shi1]] /to lose; to misplace/
- 于歸之喜 于归之喜 [yu2 gui1 zhi1 xi3] /the joy of matrimony (polite phrase referring to a young woman)/
+ 于歸之喜 于归之喜 [[yu2gui1zhi1xi3]] /the joy of matrimony (polite phrase referring to a young woman)/
- 偶遇 偶遇 [ou3 yu4] /to meet by chance/
+ 偶遇 偶遇 [[ou3yu4]] /to meet by chance/
- 偽紀錄片 伪纪录片 [wei3 ji4 lu4 pian4] /mockumentary/
+ 偽紀錄片 伪纪录片 [[wei3ji4lu4pian4]] /mockumentary/
- 價簽 价签 [jia4 qian1] /price tag/
+ 價簽 价签 [[jia4qian1]] /price tag/
- 儘可能 尽可能 [jin3 ke3 neng2] /as far as possible; to the best of one's ability/
+ 儘可能 尽可能 [[jin3ke3neng2]] /as far as possible; to the best of one's ability/
- 入座 入座 [ru4 zuo4] /to take one's seat/
+ 入座 入座 [[ru4zuo4]] /to take one's seat/
- 全屏 全屏 [quan2 ping2] /(computing) fullscreen/
+ 全屏 全屏 [[quan2ping2]] /(computing) fullscreen/
- 全書 全书 [quan2 shu1] /entire book; unabridged book/
+ 全書 全书 [[quan2shu1]] /entire book; unabridged book/
- 全網 全网 [quan2 wang3] /the entire Internet/
+ 全網 全网 [[quan2wang3]] /the entire Internet/
- 再生資源 再生资源 [zai4 sheng1 zi1 yuan2] /renewable resource/
+ 再生資源 再生资源 [[zai4sheng1 zi1yuan2]] /renewable resource/
- 凌亂 凌乱 [ling2 luan4] /messy; disarrayed; disheveled/
+ 凌亂 凌乱 [[ling2luan4]] /messy; disarrayed; disheveled/
- 函大 函大 [han2 da4] /abbr. for 函授大學|函授大学[han2 shou4 da4 xue2], correspondence university/
+ 函大 函大 [[han2da4]] /correspondence university (abbr. for 函授大學|函授大学[han2shou4 da4xue2])/
- 吝 吝 [lin4] /(bound form) stingy/
+ 吝 吝 [[lin4]] /(bound form) stingy/
- 周口市 周口市 [Zhou1 kou3 shi4] /Zhoukou, prefecture-level city in east Henan 河南/
+ 周口市 周口市 [[Zhou1kou3 Shi4]] /Zhoukou, prefecture-level city in Henan/
- 嘽 啴 [chan3] /used in 嘽嘽|啴啴[chan3 chan3] and 嘽緩|啴缓[chan3 huan3]/
+ 嘽 啴 [[chan3]] /used in 嘽嘽|啴啴[chan3chan3] and 嘽緩|啴缓[chan3huan3]/
- 孱弱 孱弱 [chan2 ruo4] /delicate; frail; impotent; weak/
+ 孱弱 孱弱 [[chan2ruo4]] /delicate; frail; impotent; weak/
- 宜賓市 宜宾市 [Yi2 bin1 shi4] /Yibin, prefecture-level city in Sichuan/
+ 宜賓市 宜宾市 [[Yi2bin1 Shi4]] /Yibin, prefecture-level city in Sichuan/
- 尿褲子 尿裤子 [niao4 ku4 zi5] /to wet one's pants/
+ 尿褲子 尿裤子 [[niao4 ku4zi5]] /to wet one's pants/
- 延誤 延误 [yan2 wu4] /to postpone (with unfortunate consequences); to take too long (to do sth); to miss (a deadline or window of opportunity)/
+ 延誤 延误 [[yan2wu4]] /to postpone (with unfortunate consequences); to take too long (to do sth); to miss (a deadline or window of opportunity)/
- 強吻 强吻 [qiang2 wen3] /to forcibly kiss; to kiss without consent/
+ 強吻 强吻 [[qiang2wen3]] /to forcibly kiss; to kiss without consent/
- 影后 影后 [ying3 hou4] /movie queen; best actress award winner/
+ 影后 影后 [[ying3hou4]] /movie queen; best actress award winner/
- 復駛 复驶 [fu4 shi3] /(of a public transportation route) to resume operating/
+ 復駛 复驶 [[fu4shi3]] /(of a public transportation route) to resume operating/
- 忠言 忠言 [zhong1 yan2] /sincere advice; heartfelt exhortation/
+ 忠言 忠言 [[zhong1yan2]] /sincere advice; heartfelt exhortation/
- 成長型思維 成长型思维 [cheng2 zhang3 xing2 si1 wei2] /growth mindset/
+ 成長型思維 成长型思维 [[cheng2zhang3xing2 si1wei2]] /growth mindset/
- 打不過 打不过 [da3 bu5 guo4] /to be unable to defeat; to be no match for (sb)/
+ 打不過 打不过 [[da3bu5guo4]] /to be unable to defeat; to be no match for (sb)/
- 掌故 掌故 [zhang3 gu4] /anecdote; tales (esp. about a historical figure)/
+ 掌故 掌故 [[zhang3gu4]] /anecdote; tales (esp. about a historical figure)/
- 接待 接待 [jie1 dai4] /to receive; to entertain; to host (guests, visitors or clients)/
+ 接待 接待 [[jie1dai4]] /to receive; to entertain; to host (guests, visitors or clients)/
- 推斥 推斥 [tui1 chi4] /(physics) to repulse; repulsion/
+ 推斥 推斥 [[tui1chi4]] /(physics) to repulse; repulsion/
- 檔案 档案 [dang4 an4] /file; record; archive/
+ 檔案 档案 [[dang4an4]] /file; record; archive/
- 死巷 死巷 [si3 xiang4] /blind alley; dead end/
+ 死巷 死巷 [[si3xiang4]] /blind alley; dead end/
- 洗冤 洗冤 [xi3 yuan1] /to right a wrong; to redress an injustice/
+ 洗冤 洗冤 [[xi3yuan1]] /to right a wrong; to redress an injustice/
- 滲涼 渗凉 [shen4 liang2] /to feel the penetrating chill of cold air/
+ 滲涼 渗凉 [[shen4liang2]] /to feel the penetrating chill of cold air/
- 澱積物 淀积物 [dian4 ji1 wu4] /(geology) illuvial material/
+ 澱積物 淀积物 [[dian4ji1wu4]] /(geology) illuvial material/
- 烏魯木齊市 乌鲁木齐市 [Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4] /Ürümqi or Urumqi, prefecture-level city and capital of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区[Xin1 jiang1 Wei2 wu2 er3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1] in west China/
+ 烏魯木齊市 乌鲁木齐市 [[Wu1lu3mu4qi2 Shi4]] /Ürümqi or Urumqi, prefecture-level city and capital of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区[Xin1jiang1 Wei2wu2er3 Zi4zhi4qu1]/
- 煤爐 煤炉 [mei2 lu2] /coal stove/
+ 煤爐 煤炉 [[mei2lu2]] /coal stove/
- 異想天開 异想天开 [yi4 xiang3 tian1 kai1] /(idiom) to imagine the wildest thing; to indulge in fantasy/
+ 異想天開 异想天开 [[yi4xiang3-tian1kai1]] /(idiom) to imagine the wildest thing; to indulge in fantasy/
- 看在 看在 [kan4 zai4] /(in the expression 看在[kan4 zai4] + ... + 的份上[de5 fen4 shang4]) for the sake of ...; considering .../
+ 看在 看在 [[kan4zai4]] /(in the expression 看在[kan4 zai4] + ... + 的份上[de5 fen4 shang5]) for the sake of ...; considering .../
- 睾丸酮 睾丸酮 [gao1 wan2 tong2] /testosterone/
+ 睾丸酮 睾丸酮 [[gao1wan2tong2]] /testosterone/
- 磁共振成像 磁共振成像 [ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4] /magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/
+ 磁共振成像 磁共振成像 [[ci2gong4zhen4 cheng2xiang4]] /magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/
- 統率 统率 [tong3 shuai4] /to command; to direct/
+ 統率 统率 [[tong3shuai4]] /to command; to direct/
- 胡謅亂說 胡诌乱说 [hu2 zhou1 luan4 shuo1] /(idiom) to talk random nonsense; to say whatever comes into one's head/
+ 胡謅亂說 胡诌乱说 [[hu2zhou1-luan4shuo1]] /(idiom) to talk random nonsense; to say whatever comes into one's head/
- 自奉儉約 自奉俭约 [zi4 feng4 jian3 yue1] /(idiom) to live frugally/
+ 自奉儉約 自奉俭约 [[zi4feng4-jian3yue1]] /(idiom) to live frugally/
- 茴 茴 [hui2] /(bound form) fennel/
+ 茴 茴 [[hui2]] /(bound form) fennel/
- 草創 草创 [cao3 chuang4] /to be in the early stages of establishing/
+ 草創 草创 [[cao3chuang4]] /to be in the early stages of establishing/
- 藉由 藉由 [jie4 you2] /by means of; through; by/
+ 藉由 藉由 [[jie4you2]] /by means of; through; by/
- 誰怕誰 谁怕谁 [shei2 pa4 shei2] /bring it on!; who's afraid?/
+ 誰怕誰 谁怕谁 [[shei2 pa4 shei2]] /bring it on!; who's afraid?/
- 護欄 护栏 [hu4 lan2] /guardrail; railing/
+ 護欄 护栏 [[hu4lan2]] /guardrail; railing/
- 變形 变形 [bian4 xing2] /to become deformed; to change shape; to morph/
+ 變形 变形 [[bian4xing2]] /to become deformed; to change shape; to morph/
- 速率 速率 [su4 lu:4] /speed; rate/
+ 速率 速率 [[su4lu:4]] /speed; rate/
- 重地 重地 [zhong4 di4] /location of political, economic, military, or cultural importance (usu. not open to the general public); sensitive area/
+ 重地 重地 [[zhong4di4]] /location of political, economic, military, or cultural importance (usu. not open to the general public); sensitive area/
- 鉤環 钩环 [gou1 huan2] /shackle (U-shaped link)/
+ 鉤環 钩环 [[gou1huan2]] /shackle (U-shaped link)/
- 鋣 铘 [ye2] /used in 鏌鋣|镆铘[Mo4 ye2]/
+ 鋣 铘 [[ye2]] /used in 鏌鋣|镆铘[Mo4ye2]/
- 門卡 门卡 [men2 ka3] /keycard/
+ 門卡 门卡 [[men2ka3]] /keycard/
- 除淨 除净 [chu2 jing4] /to remove completely; to eliminate; to cleanse from/
+ 除淨 除净 [[chu2jing4]] /to remove completely; to eliminate; to cleanse from/
- 陸上風電 陆上风电 [lu4 shang4 feng1 dian4] /onshore wind power/
+ 陸上風電 陆上风电 [[lu4shang4 feng1dian4]] /onshore wind power/
- 隸圉 隶圉 [li4 yu3] /servants; underlings/
+ 隸圉 隶圉 [[li4yu3]] /servants; underlings/
- 體魄 体魄 [ti3 po4] /physique; build/
+ 體魄 体魄 [[ti3po4]] /physique; build/
- 鰵 鳘 [min3] /cod/
+ 鰵 鳘 [[min3]] /cod/
- 黃鱔 黄鳝 [huang2 shan4] /Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) (CL:條|条[tiao2])/
+ 黃鱔 黄鳝 [[huang2shan4]] /Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) (CL:條|条[tiao2])/
- 中藥 中药 [zhong1 yao4] /traditional Chinese medicine/CL:服[fu4],種|种[zhong3]/
+ 中藥 中药 [[zhong1yao4]] /traditional Chinese medicine/CL:服[fu4],種|种[zhong3]/
- 五通 五通 [wu3 tong1] /bottom bracket shell (in a bicycle frame)/(Buddhism) the five supernatural powers (abbr. for 五神通[wu3 shen2 tong1])/
+ 五通 五通 [[wu3tong1]] /bottom bracket shell (in a bicycle frame)/(Buddhism) the five supernatural powers (abbr. for 五神通[wu3 shen2tong1])/
- 入局 入局 [ru4 ju2] /to enter the game; to get involved/to walk into a scam/
+ 入局 入局 [[ru4ju2]] /to enter the game; to get involved/to walk into a scam/
- 出生證明書 出生证明书 [chu1 sheng1 zheng4 ming2 shu1] /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/
+ 出生證明書 出生证明书 [[chu1sheng1 zheng4ming2shu1]] /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/
- 刺棱 刺棱 [ci1 leng1] /(onom.) sound of quick movement/Taiwan pr. [ci4 leng2]/
+ 刺棱 刺棱 [[ci1leng1]] /(onom.) sound of quick movement/Taiwan pr. [ci4leng2]/
- 執念 执念 [zhi2 nian4] /obsession (CL:股[gu3])/(when followed by 於|于[yu2]) to be obsessive (about)/
+ 執念 执念 [[zhi2nian4]] /obsession (CL:股[gu3])/(when followed by 於|于[yu2]) to be obsessive (about)/
- 姈 姈 [ling2] /(literary) (of a woman) intelligent/(used mostly in female names)/
+ 姈 姈 [[ling2]] /(literary) (of a woman) intelligent/(used mostly in female names)/
- 寶地 宝地 [bao3 di4] /blessed land; a place rich in beauty or natural resources etc/(term of respect) your place/
+ 寶地 宝地 [[bao3di4]] /blessed land; a place rich in beauty or natural resources etc/(term of respect) your place/
- 幻想 幻想 [huan4 xiang3] /to fantasize; to imagine/an illusion; a fantasy/
+ 幻想 幻想 [[huan4xiang3]] /to fantasize; to imagine/an illusion; a fantasy/
- 快件 快件 [kuai4 jian4] /an express consignment (of goods, luggage etc)/express mail service/
+ 快件 快件 [[kuai4jian4]] /an express consignment (of goods, luggage etc)/express mail service/
- 揚幡招魂 扬幡招魂 [yang2 fan1 zhao1 hun2] /lit. to raise a banner to summon the soul of a dying person (idiom)/fig. to try to revive what is obsolete or dead/
+ 揚幡招魂 扬幡招魂 [[yang2fan1-zhao1hun2]] /lit. to raise a banner to summon the soul of a dying person (idiom)/fig. to try to revive what is obsolete or dead/
- 擦肩而過 擦肩而过 [ca1 jian1 er2 guo4] /to brush past; to pass by (sb)/(fig.) to miss (an opportunity, a danger etc); to have a brush (with death)/
+ 擦肩而過 擦肩而过 [[ca1jian1er2guo4]] /to brush past; to pass by (sb)/(fig.) to miss (an opportunity, a danger etc); to have a brush (with death)/
- 曲解 曲解 [qu1 jie3] /to misrepresent/to misinterpret/
+ 曲解 曲解 [[qu1jie3]] /to misrepresent/to misinterpret/
- 楊過 杨过 [Yang2 Guo4] /Yang Guo, protagonist of "The Return of the Condor Heroes" 神鵰俠侶|神雕侠侣[Shen2 diao1 Xia2 lu:3]/(used jocularly as a verb "to have tested positive", since 楊|杨[Yang2] and 陽|阳[yang2] are homonyms)/
+ 楊過 杨过 [[Yang2 Guo4]] /Yang Guo, protagonist of "The Return of the Condor Heroes" 神鵰俠侶|神雕侠侣[Shen2diao1 Xia2lu:3]/(used jocularly as a verb "to have tested positive", since 楊|杨[Yang2] and 陽|阳[yang2] are homonyms)/
- 煉鋼 炼钢 [lian4 gang1] /to make steel/steelmaking/
+ 煉鋼 炼钢 [[lian4gang1]] /to make steel/steelmaking/
- 玉兔 玉兔 [yu4 tu4] /the Jade Hare (legendary rabbit said to live in the Moon)/the Moon/
+ 玉兔 玉兔 [[yu4tu4]] /the Jade Hare (legendary rabbit said to live in the Moon)/the Moon/
- 用得著 用得着 [yong4 de5 zhao2] /to be able to use; useable; to have a use for/(in a question) to be necessary to/
+ 用得著 用得着 [[yong4de5zhao2]] /to be able to use; useable; to have a use for/(in a question) to be necessary to/
- 秘密 秘密 [mi4 mi4] /secret; private; confidential; clandestine/a secret (CL:個|个[ge4])/
+ 秘密 秘密 [[mi4mi4]] /secret; private; confidential; clandestine/a secret (CL:個|个[ge4])/
- 耳光 耳光 [er3 guang1] /a slap on the face/CL:記|记[ji4]/
+ 耳光 耳光 [[er3guang1]] /a slap on the face/CL:記|记[ji4]/
- 腦殼 脑壳 [nao3 ke2] /(coll.) head; skull/(fig.) brains (mental capacity)/
+ 腦殼 脑壳 [[nao3ke2]] /(coll.) head; skull/(fig.) brains (mental capacity)/
- 返崗 返岗 [fan3 gang3] /to resume one's former position (after being laid off)/to return to work (after taking leave)/
+ 返崗 返岗 [[fan3gang3]] /to resume one's former position (after being laid off)/to return to work (after taking leave)/
- 鮮活 鲜活 [xian1 huo2] /vivid; lively/(of food ingredients) live or fresh/
+ 鮮活 鲜活 [[xian1huo2]] /vivid; lively/(of food ingredients) live or fresh/
- 回過頭來 回过头来 [hui2 guo4 tou2 lai2] /to turn one's head; to turn around/(fig.) to return (to a previous point); to come back (to what one was saying before)/(fig.) to look back (in time); to reflect on the past/
+ 回過頭來 回过头来 [[hui2guo4 tou2 lai2]] /to turn one's head; to turn around/(fig.) to return (to a previous point); to come back (to what one was saying before)/(fig.) to look back (in time); to reflect on the past/
- 塊 块 [kuai4] /lump; chunk; piece/classifier for pieces of cloth, cake, soap etc/(coll.) classifier for money and currency units/
+ 塊 块 [[kuai4]] /lump; chunk; piece/classifier for pieces of cloth, cake, soap etc/(coll.) classifier for money and currency units/
- 成熟 成熟 [cheng2 shu2] /mature; ripe/to mature; to ripen/Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2]/
+ 成熟 成熟 [[cheng2shu2]] /mature; ripe/to mature; to ripen/Taiwan pr. [cheng2shou2]/
- 紉 纫 [ren4] /to thread (a needle)/to sew; to stitch/(literary) very grateful/
+ 紉 纫 [[ren4]] /to thread (a needle)/to sew; to stitch/(literary) very grateful/
- 省 省 [sheng3] /to save; to economize; to be frugal/to omit; to delete; to leave out/province/provincial capital/a ministry (of the Japanese government)/
+ 省 省 [[sheng3]] /to save; to economize; to be frugal/to omit; to delete; to leave out/province/provincial capital/a ministry (of the Japanese government)/
- 起來 起来 [qi5 lai5] /(after a verb) indicating the beginning and continuation of an action or a state/indicating an upward movement (e.g. after 站[zhan4])/indicating completion/(after a perception verb, e.g. 看[kan4]) expressing preliminary judgment/also pr. [qi3 lai5]/
+ 起來 起来 [[qi5lai5]] /(after a verb) indicating the beginning and continuation of an action or a state/indicating an upward movement (e.g. after 站[zhan4])/indicating completion/(after a perception verb, e.g. 看[kan4]) expressing preliminary judgment/also pr. [qi3lai5]/
- 從 从 [cong2] /from; through; via/(bound form) to follow/(bound form) to obey/(bound form) to engage in (an activity)/(used before a negative) ever/(bound form) (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) retainer; attendant/(bound form) (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) assistant; auxiliary; subordinate/(bound form) (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor/
+ 從 从 [[cong2]] /from; through; via/(bound form) to follow/(bound form) to obey/(bound form) to engage in (an activity)/(used before a negative) ever/(bound form) (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) retainer; attendant/(bound form) (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) assistant; auxiliary; subordinate/(bound form) (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor/
By MDBG 2024
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