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Change log entry 82324
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-08 02:20:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75965 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 上第 上第 [shang4 di4] /top notch; highest quality/
+ 上第 上第 [[shang4di4]] /top notch; highest quality/
- 優盤 优盘 [you1 pan2] /USB flash drive/
+ 優盤 优盘 [[you1pan2]] /USB flash drive/
- 公演 公演 [gong1 yan3] /to perform in public; to give a performance/
+ 公演 公演 [[gong1yan3]] /to perform in public; to give a performance/
- 去向 去向 [qu4 xiang4] /direction in which sb or sth has gone; whereabouts/
+ 去向 去向 [[qu4xiang4]] /direction in which sb or sth has gone; whereabouts/
- 歌喉 歌喉 [ge1 hou2] /singing voice/
+ 歌喉 歌喉 [[ge1hou2]] /singing voice/
- 烹調 烹调 [peng1 tiao2] /to cook/
+ 烹調 烹调 [[peng1tiao2]] /to cook/
- 組團 组团 [zu3 tuan2] /to form a group or delegation/
+ 組團 组团 [[zu3tuan2]] /to form a group or delegation/
- 小區 小区 [xiao3 qu1] /housing estate; community; neighborhood/(telecommunications) cell/
+ 小區 小区 [[xiao3qu1]] /housing estate; community; neighborhood/(telecommunications) cell/
- 跟斗 跟斗 [gen1 dou5] /somersault/fall; tumble/(fig.) setback; failure/
+ 跟斗 跟斗 [[gen1dou5]] /somersault/fall; tumble/(fig.) setback; failure/
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