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Change log entry 82323
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-08 02:18:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75964 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- 亞足聯 亚足联 [Ya4 Zu2 Lian2] /Asian Football Confederation (abbr. for 亞洲足球聯合會|亚洲足球联合会[Ya4 zhou1 Zu2 qiu2 Lian2 he2 hui4])/
+ 亞足聯 亚足联 [[Ya4zu2lian2]] /Asian Football Confederation (abbr. for 亞洲足球聯合會|亚洲足球联合会[Ya4zhou1 Zu2qiu2 Lian2he2hui4])/
- 拜別 拜别 [bai4 bie2] /(formal) to take leave of sb; to bid farewell/
+ 拜別 拜别 [[bai4bie2]] /(formal) to take leave of sb; to bid farewell/
- 時機 时机 [shi2 ji1] /opportunity; opportune moment/
+ 時機 时机 [[shi2ji1]] /opportunity; opportune moment/
- 桄 桄 [guang1] /used in 桄榔[guang1 lang2]/
+ 桄 桄 [[guang1]] /used in 桄榔[guang1lang2]/
- 爛俗 烂俗 [lan4 su2] /clichéd/
+ 爛俗 烂俗 [[lan4su2]] /clichéd/
- 猝然 猝然 [cu4 ran2] /suddenly; abruptly/
+ 猝然 猝然 [[cu4ran2]] /suddenly; abruptly/
- 點燈 点灯 [dian3 deng1] /to light a lamp/
+ 點燈 点灯 [[dian3deng1]] /to light a lamp/
- 過去 过去 [guo4 qu4] /(in the) past; former; previous/to go over; to pass by/
+ 過去 过去 [[guo4qu4]] /(in the) past; former; previous/to go over; to pass by/
- 開方 开方 [kai1 fang1] /(medicine) to write out a prescription/(math.) to extract a root from a given quantity/
+ 開方 开方 [[kai1fang1]] /(medicine) to write out a prescription/(math.) to extract a root from a given quantity/
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