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Change log entry 82319
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-07 23:41:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75955 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
Used standalone as a preposition.
視情況 depending on circumstances

"(bound form)" is not exactly correct.
It's more like what Wiktionary says: "(literary, or in compounds)".

In "視野", for example, it's a bound form, while in "視情況" it's a literary construction: "look at the situation".

* * *

As for "depending on", consider the expression 等孩子入學後視情況再決定

視情況再決定 here means "look at how things are going (視情況) and then (再) decide (決定)".

It wouldn't even make sense to think of it as "depending on the situation (視情況) and then (再) decide (決定)".
- 視 视 [shi4] /(bound form) to look at/
# + 視 视 [shi4] /(bound form) to look at/depending on/
+ 視 视 [[shi4]] /(literary, or bound form) to look at/
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