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Change log entry 82255
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-06 03:38:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75667 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
270 hits

"...you acted opposite to your memories and emotions, this proves that you did the right thing."

It was like they were the opposite of sunlight, whereever they went, the sunlight receded, and as the demons charged, the area of darkness expanded.

"...if he still doesn't appear then wouldn't his entire organization have no leader? This... this isn't possible, it's completely contrary to logic"

The other bodyguards looked at each other and hesitated a moment, their squad leader's orders were contrary to the ones from above...

Su Wanyi hesitated a moment, then also left the dining hall, only she went in the opposite direction as Ye Xuan,...
# + 相悖 相悖 [[xiang1bei4]] /contrary; opposite/
+ 相悖 相悖 [[xiang1bei4]] /contrary; opposite; to run counter to/
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