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Change log entry 82251
Processed by: richwarm (2024-03-06 00:24:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75749 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>

Editor: When you fill in the "Add / change CC-CEDICT entry" form, it will help if you also add square brackets: [an4wu4zhi4]
When you click "Submit entry", an extra pair of brackets will be automatically added: [[an4wu4zhi4]]

If you are not filling in the form, but are instead using "native CC-CEDICT format", then you should use double brackets: [[an4wu4zhi4]]

Double square brackets are required for a v2-format entry.
(All new entries should be in v2 format.)
# 暗物質 暗物质 [an4wu4zhi4] /(physics) dark matter/
+ 暗物質 暗物质 [[an4wu4zhi4]] /(physics) dark matter/
By MDBG 2024
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