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Change log entry 82124
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-27 00:57:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75787 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
In TW usage could mean specifically an unincorporated firm/business without a separate legal person
https://protax.tw/faq/%E5%89%B5%E6%A5%AD%E5%89%8D%E6%9C%9FQA.i-4.html https://vocus.cc/article/64218beefd89780001e491cf

Computing usage: line (in file) or row number

Ex. for "(data table) row number"
在第一个表中,最后一条记录的行号是 3258169 ,...

In Taiwan, 行號 often comes up in the term 公司行號, which seems to be a generic term that means "companies (incorporated and unincorporated)".
Ex. 直至十月初,淹水嚴重地區,仍有公司行號與學校無法恢復上班、上課。
- 行號 行号 [hang2 hao4] /(registered) company/
# + 行號 行号 [hang2 hao4] /store, shop, business, company/(Tw) (unincorporated) firm/(computing) line number, row number/
+ 行號 行号 [[hang2hao4]] /(computing) (text file) line number; (data table) row number/(Tw) (unincorporated) firm (typically a smaller business such as a sole proprietorship or partnership)/
By MDBG 2024
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