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Change log entry 82055
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-20 21:03:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75611 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>


As for "used in the transliteration of female names", we have 奥黛莉 (Audrey), 克莉奥佩特拉 (Cleopatra), 娜塔莉 (Natalie), 萨莉 (Sally), 伊莉萨白 (Elizabeth), 茱莉雅/朱莉亚 (Julia) in cc-cedict and many many more not in the dictionary like 莉莎 (Lisa), 莉莉安 (Lilian), 霍莉 (Holly), 莉娜 (Lina), 阿杰莉娜 (Angelina), 艾米莉亚 (Amelia), 薇尔莉特 (Violet), 莉迪亚 (Lydia) etc (was too lazy to go through all 200k hits in my corpus)

Interestingly I have 200k hits for 莉 but only 4000 for 茉. So to me that indicates 莉 is much more commonly seen in a name than as "jasmine".
- 茉 茉 [mo4] /jasmine/
+ 茉 茉 [[mo4]] /used in 茉莉[mo4li4]/
- 莉 莉 [li4] /jasmine/
+ 莉 莉 [[li4]] /used in 茉莉[mo4li4]/used in the transliteration of female names/
- 茉莉 茉莉 [mo4 li4] /jasmine/
+ 茉莉 茉莉 [[mo4li4]] /jasmine/
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