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Change log entry 82046
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-20 04:44:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75715 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
noun (lit. a bunch of years, 把 as MW here) or can function as a verb "一把年紀了"

1) 或者一把年紀的歐吉桑,在網路上返老還童,假裝是個十八、九歲的春風少年兄

2) 今年叫歲七十的孫老先生,加入安麗已經五年,不管是會場、家庭聚會,老先生都每會必到,靜靜地坐著微笑。五年前的他,是個胃部切除了三分之二、每天都在消極厭世情緒中掙扎的胃癌患者,透過看護中心一位小姐的關懷打氣而加入安麗。孫老先生說,一把年紀了,賺錢之事已如浮雲,但參加這些「年輕人的聚會」,好像是一次又一次的團體情感治療,別人不因為他沒有什麼業績表現而吝於關懷,而他也就以忠誠回報。

3) 呂光華的好友秦如就說,當初他們受邀時,總覺得自己一把年紀了,哪還學得會唱啊跳啊的,
Lu's good friend Li Chin-ju says that when people are first invited they always feel that they are too old to learn how to sing or dance.

4) 到了一把年纪的男明星他们不缺钱为什么不结婚呢?
# 一把年紀 一把年纪 [yi1 ba3 nian2ji4] /advanced age; to be old or getting old/
+ 一把年紀 一把年纪 [[yi1 ba3 nian2ji4]] /to be of an advanced age; to be old/an advanced age/
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