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Change log entry 82041
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-19 04:13:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72270 >>
Since the beginning of the War of Resistance, there have been cases of officials netting up to 100 million yuan out of the national crisis and taking as many as eight or nine concubines.

Some online commenters said the restaurant was just looking for new ways to increase its revenue. "This is simply cashing in over a national crisis," one wrote on Weibo, adding that the restaurant "should be severely punished."

Editor: ex ~
1) 葉明峰則提醒國人,鼓勵南向本是政府的一貫目標,值此敏感時刻反倒「不必太嚷嚷」;不管是給對方一種「不計盈虧、仗義相助」的錯覺,或是趕著去發別人「國難財」的精明勢利,都是很不好的。
However, Yeh Ming-feng reminds us that although it is a longstanding policy of the ROC government to encourage southward investment, at this sensitive time it is something that "doesn't need to be trumpeted too loudly": it would be equally undesirable either to give a false impression of "selfless generosity without regard for profit or loss," or one of calculatingly hurrying to profit from other countries' misfortune.

2) 奸商 : 以不正當或非法手段獲取暴利的商人。[例]嚴懲那些發國難財的奸商。
# 國難財 国难财 [guo2 nan4 cai2] /fortune out of a national crisis/
+ 發國難財 发国难财 [[fa1 guo2nan4cai2]] /to profiteer in a time of national calamity/
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