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Change log entry 81952
Processed by: richwarm (2024-02-13 21:38:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75277 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

The starry sky was vast and resplendent

...formed an even broader starry sky, as if boundless, like the vast firmament, like the vast land

From that kind of boundlessness, from that kind of tranquility, one can tell Shen Zhenyi is pursuing something far higher than anyone in the world knows

In front of them, on the desolate and vast land, a mountain range like the spine of a giant dragon abruptly rose
# + 寥廓 寥廓 [[liao2kuo4]] /(literary) vast and empty; void/
+ 寥廓 寥廓 [[liao2kuo4]] /(literary) vast; boundless/
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