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Change log entry 81593
Processed by: richwarm (2024-01-02 21:31:11 GMT)
Comment: v2
- 海枯石爛 海枯石烂 [hai3 ku1 shi2 lan4] /lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom)/fig. forever/until the end of time/
+ 海枯石爛 海枯石烂 [[hai3ku1-shi2lan4]] /lit. until the seas dry up and stones go soft (idiom)/fig. forever; until the end of time/
- 黑枯茗 黑枯茗 [hei1 ku1 ming2] /black cumin/Nigella sativa/
+ 黑枯茗 黑枯茗 [[hei1ku1ming2]] /black cumin (Nigella sativa)/
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