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Change log entry 81445
Processed by: richwarm (2023-12-22 20:50:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75081 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

Editor: Defining it as merely some old variant of 育 doesn't seem like a good idea. The most common uses of 毓 appear to be
- in names
- in the expression 钟灵毓秀 (and other similar usage)

In both cases, it would be wrong to substitute 育 for 毓, and in both cases, the character is in current usage, not "old".

I think it would also be incorrect or highly unusual to do the reverse -- to substitute 毓 for 育 in expressions like 教育 and 養育.

Note that various dictionaries define 毓 without reference to 育.

Our definition of 育 is "to have children/to raise or bring up/to educate", whereas the meaning of 毓 in 钟灵毓秀 and similar expressions like 华堂毓秀 is more abstract: "to produce or nurture (talent)".

Also, 毓 is best characterized as "literary", whereas 育 is a bound form used in many everyday compounds. That's something that is lost if one reduces the definition to simply "old variant of 育".
- 毓 毓 [yu4] /(archaic) to give birth to a child/to rear/
# + 毓 毓 [yu4] /old variant of 育[yu4]/
+ 毓 毓 [[yu4]] /(literary) to produce; to foster; to nurture/
By MDBG 2024
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