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Change log entry 81344
Processed by: richwarm (2023-12-13 21:19:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 75250 - submitted by 'ivanktw3' >>
[kǒuyīn] is standard taiwanese pronunciation for accent sense

Editor: With regard to pronunciation, our main focus is the mainland standard. We do provide information on Taiwan pr. but in a low-key way – at the character level wherever possible, but also for compounds where necessary.

We assume that users interested in Taiwan pr. know that, typically, words pronounced with a neutral tone on the mainland retain the original tone in Taiwan, apart from certain cases such as the 子[zi5] in words like 孩子 and 抹子.

In keeping with our minimalist approach to Taiwan pr., it would make sense to note only *exceptions* to the above rule (such as 蘿蔔 and 抽搭) rather than to indicate the Taiwan pr. in all of the many cases that *do* follow the rule.

We already have the following entry
口音 口音 [kou3 yin5] /voice/accent/
and cc-cedict users should assume that 口音, in these two senses, is pronounced [kou3 yin1] in Taiwan.
# - 口音 口音 [kou3 yin1] /oral speech sounds (linguistics)/
# + 口音 口音 [kou3 yin1] /oral speech sounds (linguistics)/accent/
By MDBG 2024
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