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Change log entry 80290
Processed by: richwarm (2023-10-23 02:44:45 GMT)
Comment: ;

I think Miles was wrong to say "genetic". It's generally malformation that occurs when a fetus is exposed to a drug -- that's not "genetic".

"It's categorized as a teratogenic drug, which describes any agent that causes abnormality after a fetus is exposed to it."

"Vitamin A, the active ingredient in retinol products, needs to be avoided as high levels can be teratogenic for the baby."

The precise teratogenic effects observed in rat fetuses seem to be related to the period of exposure in development.
- 致畸 致畸 [zhi4 ji1] /producing abnormality/leading to genetic malformation/teratogenic/
+ 致畸 致畸 [zhi4 ji1] /producing abnormality; leading to malformation; teratogenic/
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