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Change log entry 79824
Processed by: richwarm (2023-10-05 20:17:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73986 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
* https://www.shinping.com.tw/%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E9%96%8B%E7%99%BC%E7%A5%A8/
* https://www.enspyre.com/en/blog/how-why-use-b2b-e-invoices-in-taiwan/
* https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=G0340082
* China has a different invoice system: https://www.mondaq.com/china/tax-authorities/1182384/china-business-understanding-fapiao-and-the-taxation-invoice-system
# + 三聯式發票 三联式发票 [san1 lian2 shi4 fa1 piao4] /(Tw) triplicate uniform invoice, a type of 統一發票|统一发票[tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] receipt issued to a business or organization with a VAT identification number or 統一編號|统一编号[tong3 yi1 bian1 hao4]/
# + 二聯式發票 二联式发票 [er4 lian2 shi4 fa1 piao4] /(Tw) duplicate uniform invoice, a a type of 統一發票|统一发票[tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] receipt issued to a person or organization without a VAT identification number/
+ 三聯式發票 三联式发票 [san1 lian2 shi4 fa1 piao4] /(Tw) triplicate uniform invoice, a type of receipt 統一發票|统一发票[tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] issued to a business or organization with a VAT identification number or 統一編號|统一编号[tong3 yi1 bian1 hao4]/
+ 二聯式發票 二联式发票 [er4 lian2 shi4 fa1 piao4] /(Tw) duplicate uniform invoice, a type of receipt 統一發票|统一发票[tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] issued to a person or organization without a VAT identification number/
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