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Change log entry 79815
Processed by: richwarm (2023-10-05 05:17:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71562 >>

Editor: Old? That doesn't seem right. 敖遊 is a variant of 遨遊, whose simplified form 遨游 has 17 million Google results. Not bad for an out-of-date word!

Here are some contemporary examples for the trad form 遨遊:

In spite of this, driven by a growing desire to protect the environment and the need for a simple, frugal lifestyle, a small portion of society has started to go "back to nature." Totally disregarding the dirtiness of the air, these people have taken up using bicycles to get around the city, trying to find some healthy way through the madness of everyday traffic.

While the media keeps coming back to the issue of royalties, the young Lucifer Chu has not fallen into the vanity or discomfiture that great wealth can bring. Instead, he has taken NT$10 million out of those proceeds and founded the Fantasy Foundation, an organization dedicated to introducing quality fantasy literature and computer games to the public. Chu has even funded his own fantasy art prize to encourage public creativity and share in the delight of the world of fantasy.

These business people, accustomed to traveling all over the world, need only relax and, with an elegant flip of the wrist, open up their computers to surf the web to their heart's content.

* * *

In any case, this entry for 敖遊 has been replaced with an entry for 遨遊:
# - 敖遊 敖游 [ao2 you2] /to saunter/to travel/
# + 敖遊 敖游 [ao2 you2] /(old) to saunter; to travel/
By MDBG 2024
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