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Change log entry 79662
Processed by: richwarm (2023-09-27 04:14:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73990 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
- https://www.ntbsa.gov.tw/English/singlehtml/1f47a7dbc0514d9196df500573f395a2?cntId=4dc1688d3afa4950a66d4261120913d0
- https://www.einvoice.nat.gov.tw/ein_upload/html/ESQ/ESQ800W.html
- https://www.cetustek.com.tw/how-to-apply-barcode.html

Google Search:
[+"載具"] 11,800,000
[+"載具" site:.tw] 9,570,000
["载具" site:.cn] 412,000

Pronunciation as [zai3 ju4] refs:
- web forum: https://www.pttweb.cc/bbs/Wrong_spell/M.1533198089.A.761
- web forum: https://disp.cc/b/WomenTalk/bmyu
- in video: https://youtu.be/IBUC621-2y8
- in video: https://youtu.be/TSZ3B2nEhJ4
- 載具 载具 [zai4 ju4] /conveyance (car, boat, aircraft etc)/vehicle/(fig.) medium/platform/vector/
# + 載具 载具 [zai4 ju4] /conveyance (car, boat, aircraft etc)/vehicle/(fig.) medium/platform/vector/(Tw pr. [zai3 ju4]) method at checkout of electronically saving 統一發票|统一发票[tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] receipts to a cloud account, often 悠遊卡|悠游卡[You1 you2 Ka3] or 手機條碼|手机条码[shou3 ji1 tiao2 ma3]/
+ 載具 载具 [zai4 ju4] /conveyance (car, boat, aircraft etc); vehicle/(fig.) medium; platform; vector/(Tw) (Taiwan pr. [zai3 ju4]) a consumer's device (smart card or mobile app barcode etc) that can be scanned at checkout to save the receipt 統一發票|统一发票[tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] to a cloud account/
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