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Change log entry 79661
Processed by: richwarm (2023-09-27 03:02:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73987 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
moved from queued entry 73985

+ https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawParaDeatil.aspx?pcode=G0340082&bp=3
+ https://eagernomad.com/taiwan-receipt-lottery/
- 統一發票 统一发票 [tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] /invoice/
# + 統一發票 统一发票 [tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] /invoice/(Tw) uniform invoice, a type of receipt issued for products or services whose number is part of a lottery held every two months/
+ 統一發票 统一发票 [tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] /uniform invoice, a standardized government-issued invoice used in Taiwan for recording financial transactions, including purchases and sales, and also serving as a ticket for a lottery program to promote transparency and tax compliance/
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