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Change log entry 79255
Processed by: richwarm (2023-09-04 05:52:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74235 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
CC-CEDICT has 密室 (room for keeping sth hidden) and 逃脱 (run away) but no entry for 密室逃脱 escape room itself.
I think an "escape room" entry would be more clear than needing to piece together what "room for keeping sth hidden run away" means.

Google search results:
"密室逃脱" 12,100,000
+"密室逃脱" 9,820,000
(pretty common term now)

"密室逃脱" site:.cn 252,000
"密室逃脱" site:.tw 325,000
+"密室逃脱" site:.com 9,230,000
(seems like escape room owners prefer .com; I'm not sure if the term used is different between CN/TW)

Editor: Wrong trad character.
脱 --> 脫
# 密室逃脱 密室逃脱 [mi4shi4 tao2tuo1] /escape room/
+ 密室逃脫 密室逃脱 [mi4 shi4 tao2 tuo1] /escape room/
By MDBG 2024
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