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Change log entry 79057
Processed by: richwarm (2023-08-17 21:12:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74182 - submitted by 'cws' >>
I see more patterns of `variant of X` being written separately (2,239) as opposed to being attached (46) to the gloss itself. When to write it separately and when to attach it to a gloss?

Editor: The basic principle is that the slash '/' is used to partition the definition into distinct senses.

Example 1:
荍 荞 [qiao2] /common mallow (Malva sinensis)/variant of 蕎|荞[qiao2]/

This entry indicates that 荍 has two senses:
- common mallow
- buckwheat (i.e. same as 蕎)

It would not make sense to write
/common mallow (Malva sinensis) (variant of 蕎|荞[qiao2])/
because that would imply that common mallow is the same thing as buckwheat.


Example 2:
勣 𪟝 [ji4] /merit; accomplishment (variant of 績|绩[ji4])/

This entry indicates that 勣 is a variant of 績, but only a *partial* variant. That is, it's only used for the "merit; accomplishment" sense of 績, not for the "to spin (hemp)" sense.

If 勣 had both meanings (i.e. "merit" and "to spin"), then it would be a full variant rather than a partial variant, and we would then simplify the entry as follows:
勣 𪟝 [ji4] /variant of 績|绩[ji4]/


Example 3:
鱠 鲙 [kuai4] /used in 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2]/minced or diced fish (variant of 膾|脍[kuai4])/

This entry indicates that 鱠 has two distinct senses:
- Chinese herring (鱠魚), a species of fish
- minced or diced fish (fish in general, not necessarily Chinese herring)

In the 1st sense, 鱠 is not a variant of 膾, since 膾 doesn't mean "Chinese herring".
In the 2nd sense (minced or diced fish), 鱠 IS a variant of 膾, and therefore we include that fact as a note within the definition of that sense. It's a *partial* variant because 鱠 is specifically fish whereas 膾 could be fish or pork etc. If it were a full variant, we would write the definition as
/used in 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2]/variant of 膾|脍[kuai4]/

What you propose is
/used in 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2]/minced or diced fish/variant of 膾|脍[kuai4]/
This would indicate that there are three distinct senses:
- Chinese herring (鱠魚), a species of fish
- minced or diced fish (fish in general, not necessarily Chinese herring)
- chopped meat or fish


A consequence of this type of formatting is that whenever "variant of X" appears in a definition and is not in parenthesis, you can substitute the definition of X, and entry will still be correct.
E.g. 荍 荞 [qiao2] /common mallow (Malva sinensis)/variant of 蕎|荞[qiao2]/
would change to
荍 荞 [qiao2] /common mallow (Malva sinensis)/buckwheat/
... and the definition would still be correct.

But when "variant of X" is in parenthesis (as in examples 2 and 3 above) you should NOT substitute the definition of X.


The formatting principles described above have been in place for only a few years, and not all older entries have been revised yet.
# - 鱠 鲙 [kuai4] /used in 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2]/minced or diced fish (variant of 膾|脍[kuai4])/
# + 鱠 鲙 [kuai4] /used in 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2]/minced or diced fish/variant of 膾|脍[kuai4]/
By MDBG 2024
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