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Change log entry 79001
Processed by: richwarm (2023-08-09 00:13:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74142 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
Google search:
["洩" site:.tw] 4,900,000
["泄" site:.tw] 289,000

Editor: As it stands, the proposed change would
a) delete the entry for 泄 (even though 泄 is used as a traditional character), and
b) create a duplicate entry for 洩,
... neither of which is desirable (or even possible, in the case of (b)).

* * *

Even though we might now call 泄 a variant of 洩 rather than the other way around, there are, in Taiwan, certain words that are normally written using 泄 rather than 洩.

For example, 排泄物 is rarely written with 洩.

Google results (using the 'verbatim' option in the "Tools" menu)
"排洩物" site:.tw - 6,330
"排泄物" site:.tw - 272,000
- 泄 泄 [xie4] /to leak (of water or gas)/to drip/to drain/to discharge/to leak out/to divulge (secrets)/to give vent (to anger, spite etc)/to disperse/to reduce/
# + 洩 泄 [xie4] /to leak (of water or gas)/to drip/to drain/to discharge/to leak out/to divulge (secrets)/to give vent (to anger, spite etc)/to disperse/to reduce/
# Editor:
- 洩 泄 [xie4] /variant of 泄[xie4]/
+ 洩 泄 [xie4] /(bound form) to leak out; to discharge; (fig.) to divulge/
+ 泄 泄 [xie4] /variant of 洩|泄[xie4]/
By MDBG 2024
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