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Change log entry 78995
Processed by: richwarm (2023-08-07 08:06:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74136 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
* https://www.mrfoodsafety.com.tw/blogs/dietknowledge/63373

Google search results:
["舒肥"] 1,490,000
[+"舒肥"] 2,040,000

Editor: Thanks -- this is an interesting one, as are your other ones that are still on the queue.
(I apologize for the delay. Will get to them eventually.)

"sous vide" is not so specialized a word that it doesn't appear in general-purpose English dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster.

So I think it can be used as a standalone definition.

I had a meal a couple of months ago in a tiny restaurant in Beppu, Japan, where the chef uses the hot spring water of that town to slowly cook certain dishes or ingredients over a period of hours. Similar to sous vide, I guess.

Google results:
"舒肥" site:.tw - 316,000
"舒肥" site:.cn - 880
# 舒肥 舒肥 [shu1 fei2] /(transliteration of "sous vide") a low-temperature, long-time cooking method/
+ 舒肥法 舒肥法 [shu1 fei2 fa3] /(Tw) (loanword) sous vide/
+ 舒肥 舒肥 [shu1 fei2] /see 舒肥法[shu1 fei2 fa3]/
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