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Change log entry 78969
Processed by: richwarm (2023-07-23 00:01:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74111 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>
From what I've found 硙 ai2 is only used in 硙硙 ai2 ai2, which itself is a rare variant of 皑皑[ai2 ai2] (confusingly there is also 硙 wei2 which is only used in 硙硙 wei2 wei2). So maybe the definition of 硙 ai2 can just be "variant of 皑[ai2]". Is it weird that looking up 硙 takes you from 硙 to 硙硙 to 皑皑 to 皑?

Also some dictionaries don't list wei2 and only have ai2, like http://zisea.com/zscontent.asp?uni=7859 and https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%A3%91#Chinese
Others only have wei2 and don't have ai2, like https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E7%A1%99
I'd think we should keep both but what do I know
# - 磑 硙 [ai2] /snowy white/pure white/spotless/
# + 磑 硙 [ai2] /see 磑磑|硙硙[ai2 ai2]/
# 磑磑 硙硙 [ai2 ai2] /variant of 皚皚|皑皑[ai2 ai2]/
# 磑 硙 [wei2] /see 磑磑|硙硙[wei2 wei2]/
# 磑磑 硙硙 [wei2 wei2] /of high and stable appearance/
# Editor:
- 磑 硙 [ai2] /snowy white/pure white/spotless/
+ 磑 硙 [ai2] /used in 磑磑|硙硙[ai2 ai2]/
- 磑磑 硙硙 [ai2 ai2] /variant of 皚皚|皑皑[ai2 ai2]/
+ 磑磑 硙硙 [ai2 ai2] /(literary) lofty; towering/(literary) glistening white/(literary) hard; solid/(literary) piled up/
- 皚 皑 [ai2] /white (of snow etc)/
+ 皚 皑 [ai2] /(literary) white as snow/
- 皚皚 皑皑 [ai2 ai2] /white as snow/pure white/
+ 皚皚 皑皑 [ai2 ai2] /(literary) white as snow; pure white/
- 磑 硙 [wei2] /see 磑磑|硙硙[wei2 wei2]/
+ 磑 硙 [wei2] /used in 磑磑|硙硙[wei2 wei2]/
- 磑磑 硙硙 [wei2 wei2] /of high and stable appearance/
+ 磑磑 硙硙 [wei2 wei2] /(literary) lofty; towering/also pr. [ai2 ai2]/
- 磑 硙 [wei4] /mill/
+ 磑 硙 [wei4] /(literary) grindstone/(literary) to mill/
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