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Change log entry 78967
Processed by: richwarm (2023-07-22 23:53:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74117 - submitted by 'kbaiko' >>

I don't think "lamp pith" is a real term. At least when I look it up, I just get references to 芯.
# - 芯 芯 [xin1] /lamp pith/wick/
# + 芯 芯 [xin1] /the pith of the rush plant, used as a lamp wick; lamp wick/
- 芯 芯 [xin1] /lamp pith/wick/
+ 芯 芯 [xin1] /(bound form) the pith of the rush plant (used as a lampwick)/
- 芯 芯 [xin4] /core/
+ 芯 芯 [xin4] /used in 芯子[xin4 zi5]/Taiwan pr. [xin1]/
+ 芯子 芯子 [xin4 zi5] /fuse; wick/forked tongue (of a snake)/
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