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Change log entry 78876
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2023-07-01 06:56:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74030 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
If clothes in Taiwan today are getting ever lighter, softer, warmer, more wrinkle-free and easier to keep clean, and if their colors are bright, fresh and stain-resistant, this is not thanks to the magic wand wielded by Cinderella's fairy godmother, but is the result of the unceasing efforts towards research, development and upgrading put in by the textile industry over the years.

Genetic technology is duplicating the key to biological evolution. The question is, will mankind secure even richer resources in this way and solve age-old problems like hunger and disease? Or will we create an imbalance in nature that leads to a backlash and an unprecedented catastrophe? Scientists who hold the magic wand in their hands should probably be careful where they wave it.

I agree with Ambassador Greenstock that the Council does not have a magic wand.

The international community must bear in mind that the declaration of independence is no magic wand that will turn East Timor into a full-fledged and functioning State.
- 魔棒 魔棒 [mo2 bang4] /a wizard's wand (notion borrowed from Western fantasy fiction)/
+ 魔棒 魔棒 [mo2 bang4] /magic wand/
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