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Change log entry 78875
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2023-07-01 06:56:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 74031 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
On a busy street in the Chenchung district of Taipei, a peddler selling statues of the Buddha Sakyamuni and other Bodhisattvas has laid out his wares. Incense smoke swirls as Buddhist chants drone from a cassette player. Aside from the various crystal balls and bracelets, the items most attracting people's attention are the oblong Tibetan dZi beads with their white-lined designs set against black backgrounds.

The uncanny ability of the police to solve difficult cases has led some to quip that investigators have a crystal ball in their possession. To be sure, forensic science makes the crystal ball work better, but the crystal ball itself is something else entirely-the careful reasoning of seasoned investigators.

Though he "takes the stage" without any fanfare, he immediately commands the attention of passing pedestrians. When he starts up his music and begins his routine-bending over to pick up a crystal ball, then bringing his palms together and letting the ball hang suspended between his fingers-there's something both beautiful and poetic in his movements. It's as if he's brought the ball to life as he slides it back and forth across his arms, his palms, the backs of his hands, his shoulders, and his fingers. As this brilliant solo show, one of the most elegant and graceful sights to be seen on our city streets, continues, the watching crowd grows and deepens.
- 水晶球 水晶球 [shui3 jing1 qiu2] /crystal ball (in Western magic)/
+ 水晶球 水晶球 [shui3 jing1 qiu2] /crystal ball/
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