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Change log entry 78646
Processed by: richwarm (2023-04-13 22:06:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 73741 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
encountered while in Taiwan, and didn't find any related definitions.
results on Google for each keyword search:
豆菊, 20 million
fried tofu skin, 16 million
fried bean curd skin, 2 million

Editor: The reason you can't find any related definitions is that this term appears to have only highly localized usage.

20 million?
Your google search figure for 豆菊 is misleading.

If you search for "豆菊" (with quotes) the figure is just 122,000.
But also
["豆菊" site:.cn] yields only 1,840 results, and
["豆菊" site:.tw] yields just 1,100 results.

The following webpage says 豆菊 is a term that is not generally used outside of a specific locality within Taiwan (namely, Tainan -- which has less than 10% of the population of Taiwan). I see you have previously submitted suggestions for entries related to Tainan.


(By the way, "tofu skin" is something of a misnomer since it isn't made from tofu. It's made from the skin that forms on the surface of simmering soymilk.)
# 豆菊 豆菊 [dou4 ju2] /fried tofu skin or fried bean curd skin/
+ 豆菊 豆菊 [dou4 ju2] /fried tofu skin (typically used as a hot pot ingredient)/
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