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Change log entry 77287
Processed by: richwarm (2023-01-28 10:45:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72907 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
We already define 初创 as startup - seems to be more apt.

A recent example of usage in Chinese:

and its English version:
“When you don’t have a say in how a government makes rules, you don’t have to stay there,” said Aginny Wang, a co-founder of a crypto banking start-up, Flashwire, who moved from Beijing to Singapore in June after getting trapped in Shanghai’s Covid lockdown on a business trip. “There are many other places where you can do things.”
- 初創公司 初创公司 [chu1 chuang4 gong1 si1] /new company/newly established enterprise/
# + 初創公司 初创公司 [chu1 chuang4 gong1 si1] /new company/newly established enterprise/startup/
+ 初創公司 初创公司 [chu1 chuang4 gong1 si1] /startup company/
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