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Change log entry 77242
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2023-01-27 13:52:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 72883 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
10 random
- 制定 制定 [zhi4 ding4] /to draw up/to formulate/
+ 制定 制定 [zhi4 ding4] /to draw up; to formulate/
# The English and Chinese name seem to have changed (see the current Wp articles.)
# suggest deletion
- 千鳥淵國家公墓 千鸟渊国家公墓 [Qian1 niao3 yuan1 guo2 jia1 gong1 mu4] /Chidori ga fuchi, national war cemetery in Tokyo/also called Tomb of the Unknown Soldier/
- 吾 吾 [wu2] /I/my (old)/
+ 吾 吾 [wu2] /(old) I; my/
- 善忘 善忘 [shan4 wang4] /forgetful/amnesia/
+ 善忘 善忘 [shan4 wang4] /to be forgetful; to have a short memory/
- 多謀善斷 多谋善断 [duo1 mou2 shan4 duan4] /resourceful and decisive/resolute and sagacious/
+ 多謀善斷 多谋善断 [duo1 mou2 shan4 duan4] /resourceful and decisive; resolute and sagacious/
- 天差地別 天差地别 [tian1 cha1 di4 bie2] /poles apart (idiom)/as different as can be/
+ 天差地別 天差地别 [tian1 cha1 di4 bie2] /(idiom) poles apart; as different as can be/
- 失魂落魄 失魂落魄 [shi1 hun2 luo4 po4] /dazed/beside oneself (idiom)/
+ 失魂落魄 失魂落魄 [shi1 hun2 luo4 po4] /(idiom) dazed; beside oneself/
= 小朋友 小朋友 [xiao3 peng2 you3] /child/CL:個|个[ge4]/
- 廢物點心 废物点心 [fei4 wu4 dian3 xin5] /(coll.) a good-for-nothing/loser/
+ 廢物點心 废物点心 [fei4 wu4 dian3 xin5] /(coll.) a good-for-nothing; a loser/
- 截尾 截尾 [jie2 wei3] /to dock/to trim (esp. the tail of an animal)/
+ 截尾 截尾 [jie2 wei3] /to dock; to trim (esp. the tail of an animal)/
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