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Change log entry 75949
Processed by: richwarm (2022-10-06 22:41:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71853 >>

Q1: Should both glosses be retained?
On a scale of 1 to 10, my level of interest in this issue is < 1.

Q2: If both are retained, should we at least have a semicolon between "seventy" and "70"?
Yes, but we are not seeking submissions that are purely about inserting semicolons, especially if they arrive as a series of unsolicited individual submissions (i.e. not as a batch).

I have deleted the other similar submissions, like
- 三 三 [san1] /three/3/
+ 三 三 [san1] /three/
# - 七十 七十 [qi1 shi2] /seventy/70/
# + 七十 七十 [qi1 shi2] /seventy/
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