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Change log entry 75942
Processed by: richwarm (2022-10-04 20:18:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71729 - submitted by 'gregboothe' >>
All 4 types in comparable search frequency.

Btw, I did some experimenting with search parameters and found it a bit inconsistent. It's not clear to me what the difference between "" +"" and Verbatim is. Some parameters I had to dig into the reference to find, and some appear incompatible when using the GUI but I'm not sure if they actually are. A few notes:

cr=countryCN|countryTW|countryHK|countryMO (region, may help reduce spam from other C-E dicts, learning materials etc.?)
lr=lang_zh-CN|lang_zh-TW (language, here CN/TW indicates simp/trad - not region)
c2coff=0 (keep simp/trad fuzzy matching on)
tbs=li:1 (verbatim)
rc=1 (more accurate total result count)
as_epq=此言非虛 (explicit phrase query "")

making the final URL:

1) The two expressions beginning with 此 are not equivalent to the two that start with 所.

It's only recently that I realized it's true.

Now I know that what everybody says is true.

2) There are lots of expressions that use the components of these expressions, and they are generally understandable from the definitions we already have. We don't need to document every one of them.

For example, 此言 appears in expressions like
- 此言一出,...
- 此言並不誇張
- 此言立即引起國會立委的共鳴
and in each case 此言 means 此 + 言 (these words; this statement).
You could argue that having definitions for 此 and 言 is sufficient.
Similarly, 非虚 is not that hard to work out, given context.

3) Here are the results I get with Google verbatim option.
"此言非虚" 602k
"此言不虚" 652k
"所言非虚" 1,190k
"所言不虚" 1,040k

Here's how you get verbatim results:
1. Do a standard Google search for "此言非虚" (using quotes).
2. Click the "Tools" button.
3. Click "All results" and select "Verbatim".
4. Click the "Tools" button again to display the number of results.

This works on my *computer*, but I'm not sure how it works on a mobile device.
# 此言非虛 此言非虚 [ci3 yan2 fei1 xu1] /not just empty words/
# 此言不虛 此言不虚 [ci3 yan2 bu4 xu1] /see 此言非虛|此言非虚[ci3 yan2 fei1 xu1]/
# 所言非虛 所言非虚 [suo3 yan2 fei1 xu1] /see 此言非虛|此言非虚[ci3 yan2 fei1 xu1/
# 所言不虛 所言不虚 [suo3 yan2 bu4 xu1] /see 此言非虛|此言非虚[ci3 yan2 fei1 xu1/
+ 此言非虛 此言非虚 [ci3 yan2 fei1 xu1] /that is true/
+ 此言不虛 此言不虚 [ci3 yan2 bu4 xu1] /see 此言非虛|此言非虚[ci3 yan2 fei1 xu1]/
+ 所言非虛 所言非虚 [suo3 yan2 fei1 xu1] /(after a pronoun or name) what (you, they etc) say is true/
+ 所言不虛 所言不虚 [suo3 yan2 bu4 xu1] /see 所言非虛|所言非虚[suo3 yan2 fei1 xu1]/
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