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Change log entry 75696
Processed by: richwarm (2022-09-05 03:15:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71501 - submitted by 'cws' >>
A lot of code is not indented

And when a young man in a fantastical blue-and-silver costume spotted Sophie and decided to accost her as well, Sophie shrank into a shop doorway and tried to hide.

She started with surprise and slipped back hastily into the room.

Midori burrowed under the covers

The child snuggled down with its doll and was quickly asleep.

When [turtles] come across danger, their head and legs pull back into their shells.

One of the special characteristics of Down's syndrome is an enlarged tongue that protrudes from the mouth. The large tongue often leads to the mouth being open, so that saliva runs out. But if the child is taught hygiene from an early age, and taught to pull his or her tongue back into the mouth, keeping the mouth closed, then the problem of saliva running out can be avoided.

Faced with such tough challenges, a naïvely optimistic younger generation that had never known material want now finds itself at a loss. Many of its members have responded by shrinking their worlds and pursuing so-called “small joys.”

If the director wants a wide shot, and you want to fill the entire frame with period details, not only do you have to consider the depth of field, and not only does the design have to be elaborate enough, but most of all you have to consider the budget.
# 縮進 缩进 [suo1 jin4] /indentation; indented; indention/
+ 縮進 缩进 [suo1 jin4] /to retreat into; to draw back into/(typography) to indent/
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