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Change log entry 75695
Processed by: richwarm (2022-09-05 01:23:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71504 >>

❶ 清澈的水流:一泓~。
❷ 〈书〉指有名望而不与权贵同流合污的士大夫。


The "Black Dragon" Chienchen River, and Canal Two, which flows into the Love River, have been fitted with wastewater pipelines and treatment stations. With the wastewater taken care of, they are clean again.

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He says that by nature he likes to get involved, and he believes someone with power can use his or her influence to good effect. He hopes to be a destroyer of bad systems.

making Hsu an independent and fortifying her role as an honest opposition politician.

The THRF's mission is "to promote the establishment of a quality and just medical environment in Taiwan." Chairwoman Chang Ly-yun states, "The Taiwan Health Reform Foundation aims to bring about an environment in which every physician has an opportunity to become a good doctor, and in which doctors with a social conscience are the rule, not the exception."

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Wang Shau-di discovered young new idols such as Lan Cheng-lung, Tou Chih-kung, Ma Chih-hsiang, Ma Kuo-pi, Chiang Tsu-ping and Chou Yu-ting. At a time when television had been growing increasingly stale, these young actors were like a gust of fresh air.

KPS, which has had a place in Taiwanese television audiences' hearts for 40 years, has seen glory days, and its ability to keep going in an era of intense competition between cable TV companies, when the orientation of programming has turned towards the commercial and the lowbrow, is refreshing. Its story not only bears witness to the history of television in Taiwan, but also represents an indelible chapter in Taiwan's development


Internet users have hailed it as "a breath of fresh air", a refreshing change from the usual dancing and singing shows that dominate TV.

充满活力与前瞻性,是国际寄宿学校的真正选择。 Regents确实是一股清流。 您的孩子将在Regents寄宿学校获得以下标准化教育,多么令人欣慰啊!
Dynamic, forward-looking and a real alternative amongst international boarding schools. Regents is indeed a breath of fresh air. Isn't it comforting to know that your child will receive these as standard at Regents' boarding school?
# 清流 清流 [qing1 liu2] /(lit. and fig.) clear stream/
+ 清流 清流 [qing1 liu2] /clean flowing water/(fig.) (literary) honorable person, untainted by association with disreputable influences (esp. scholars who kept themselves aloof from those in power)/
# Extra:
+ 一股清流 一股清流 [yi1 gu3 qing1 liu2] /(fig.) a breath of fresh air/
By MDBG 2024
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