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Change log entry 75440
Processed by: richwarm (2022-08-03 10:11:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71279 - submitted by 'haton' >>
Hi, I read your comment on my proposal #71081 and I don't get it: "Lyme disease" is indeed made of 2 separate words, so shouldn't Lyme be capitalized?

Editor: Yes, "Lyme disease" is a two-word lexeme.
But 莱姆病 is one word, not two words.
I'll explain why.
Consider the following entries from ABC:

克汀病 kètīngbìng - cretinism
潜水病 qiánshuǐbìng - the bends
航空病 hángkōngbìng - airsickness
日射病 rìshèbìng - sunstroke

Note that each of these terms is a single word.
For example, it's "kètīngbìng", not "kètīng bìng", according to ABC.
I agree with ABC on this point, and that's why I say 莱姆病 is a single word, not two words like its English equivalent.
Keeping this in mind, please re-read my comments on your previous submission.

Because 莱姆病 is a single word, and because it is not a proper noun, it is not capitalized. It's like "theileriosis", a disease named after a man named Theiler, which is not capitalized (for the same reason).
# - 萊姆病 莱姆病 [lai2 mu3 bing4] /Lyme disease/
# + 萊姆病 莱姆病 [Lai2 mu3 bing4] /Lyme disease/
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