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Change log entry 75405
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-08-01 11:01:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71233 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"There's nothing wrong with reading a strange book from time to time," she says. Busy with her many roles as wife, mother, and teacher, she's learned to get in her reading in guerilla-like sorties, a few minutes here, a few minutes there. She never allows herself an idle moment, but is constantly nurturing her literary soul.

"Of the three key elements in education-school, family and society-the children at the school obviously have insufficient contact with family and society," points out principal Chen Chin-chuang. "For this reason, we are really both teachers and parents. The teacher/student relationship is extremely close."

but cram-school teachers know the importance of positive thinking, and to a certain extent play the role of mentor.

"There's nothing wrong with reading a strange book from time to time," she says. Busy with her many roles as wife, mother, and teacher, she's learned to get in her reading in guerilla-like sorties, a few minutes here, a few minutes there. She never allows herself an idle moment, but is constantly nurturing her literary soul.

Chou explains that in the face of rapid change, when the student-teacher- relationship is being thoroughly reformulated, Taiwan's teacher training is still stuck in a traditional paradigm that stresses academic subjects and gives short shrift to cultivating professional ethics. Moreover, teachers who weren't education majors and who have only taken a streamlined education curriculum lack even more the communicative skills needed for the "life coach" side of teaching. Dealing with increasingly difficult and disrespectful students, they may end up beating and scolding students because they lack any other strategies.
# 人師 人师 [ren2 shi1] /role model; mentor/
+ 人師 人师 [ren2 shi1] /mentor; role model/
By MDBG 2024
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