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Change log entry 75316
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2022-07-21 12:47:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71205 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Free taking off is a kind of advanced techniques of pole vault.

Taking-off is the most important stage in long jump and its techniques have great impact on the jumpers' performance.

Through three - dimensional photographing, this paper makes an analysis off technique of some excellent male high jumpers.

四个关键步骤; 接近起跳点,起跳,空中悬浮,与降落。
The four key steps are the approach, the take-off, the midair suspension, and the landing.


Its annual turnover started at NT$400 million and has grown continuously.

They started at the same basic salary of a little over NT$30,000, but they had to have a greater sense of responsibility than other employees.

Squeezed among the crowd of 20-somethings, you'll find knickknacks, dolls, and handmade silver jewelry with prices starting at a few hundred NT dollars.

Having made his name, his prices skyrocketed from NT$50 per temporary tattoo to NT$600-800.
+ 起跳 起跳 [qi3 tiao4] /(athletics) to take off (at the start of a jump)/(of price, salary etc) to start (from a certain level)/
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